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The CIAAA's certification program provides a template for the athletic administrator to pursue professional development. This a voluntary professional service to athletic administrators with various levels of experience and preparation. The athletic administrator who attains professional certification will have demonstrated the completion of a comprehensive plan for self-improvement. Individuals will enhance their ability to serve the students, school, community and professional organization. Some school boards and districts in Canada expect certification when hiring Athletic Directors, and the CIAAA is focused on working to ensure more school boards consider these professional designations. There are three levels of certification:

CRAA - Canadian Registered Athletic Administrator - recognizes current or potential athletic administrators who have demonstrated their commitment to professional development through Foundational Courses from the Leadership Training Program.

CCAA - Canadian Certified Athletic Administrator - highlights athletic administrators who have accumulated evidence of excellence in the profession, contributed significantly to their school athletics program and to interscholastic athletics, and have continued to enhance their craft through professional development.

CMAA - Canadian Master Athletic Administrator - honours long-serving careers in athletic administration at the highest level. Continued professional development and excellence in their athletic program are accompanied by significant contribution to the professional benefit of other athletic administrators within our community. 

Step 1

Review the Summary of Requirements below and the application forms above to determine your desired application level.


Step 2

Complete the application form and submit, along with required documentation, to


Step 3

Your application will be reviewed by the CIAAA office and/or Certification Committee to confirm you have achieved the required criteria.


Step 4

Upon confirming your successful application, you will be directed to make a payment for your certification fees.

  • CRAA: Members - $50 +tax; Non-members - $125 + tax

  • CCAA: Members - $100 + tax; Non-members - $185 +tax

  • CMAA: Members - $125 + tax; Non-members - $225 + tax


Step 5

You will receive a physical certificate in various forms depending on your certification level. The CIAAA will also contact your Principal and Superintendent to recognize your achievement.


Step 6 - Using your Letters

You are strongly encouraged to add your designation (CRAA, CCAA, or CMAA) to your email signature, business cards, and other forms professional correspondence.


Tel: 1-888-618-4530 (Toll Free)



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The CIAAA champions Athletic Administrators as the professional leaders of school sport across Canada.


The CIAAA promotes educational athletics through the professional development of athletic administrators with a focus on character and leadership. Our goal is to support schools in building positive athletic environments that enhance the learning experience for all students.


11759 Groat Road NW

Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6

© 2021 Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association

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